Shibui objects appear to be simple overall but they include subtle details, such as textures, that balance simplicity with complexity.

Shibui (渋い) (adjective), shibumi (渋み) (noun), or shibusa (渋さ) (noun) are Japanese words which refer to a particular aesthetic or beauty of simple, subtle, and unobtrusive beauty. Like other Japanese aesthetic terms, such as iki and wabi-sabi, shibui can apply to a wide variety of subjects, not just art or fashion.
Shibui objects appear to be simple overall but they include subtle details, such as textures, that balance simplicity with complexity.
This balance of simplicity and complexity ensures that one does not tire of a shibui object but constantly finds new meanings and enriched beauty that cause its aesthetic value to grow over the years.
🐕🦺 Leadership
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💻 Tech
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Managing Your Manager
I put this in the "tech" section because the main target audience is engineers. We tend to forget that a management relationship isn't one-way. Learn how helping your manager will help you, too.
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