Hey dearest subscribers 💜 how is the holiday season going? I really hope you’re getting all the rest and love in the world! I definitely welcome the chill times, I needed it badly.
BUT!! that doesn’t mean I’d leave you without a newsletter 🥰
Why does Vim use hjkl and not the arrow keys for navigation? In the JavaScript date API, months go 0-11, not 1-12. Why? - well, click to find out ;)
Toxic and Woke Engineering Orgs
Why are organizations committed to positive ideals so often shitty to their employees?
We rendered a million web pages to find out what makes the web slow
No spoilers! Go and read :)
The spatial information content of the honey bee waggle dance
Finally a nice scientific study of the 🐝💃🏻
Why Is This Idiot Running My Engineering Org?
Fear, loathing, and failing up in technology.
Communication skills for successful software engineers
Some food for thought for your upcoming goalsetting season.