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Hello friend, I’m Csaba from Leadership Garden, and this is a weekly list of interesting articles that I come across that help me grow my thinking.
I hope you find something new to think about and share it with your friends.
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What Leaders Must Know About Organizational Resilience
This often misunderstood concept is critical for navigating disruption and uncertainty.
Stuck in a loop of worrying thoughts? Here’s how to stop it
Have you ever been stuck on a single thought, a string of thoughts, or a topic that you keep returning to in your mind over and over again? Perhaps you keep mentally replaying images of that awkward date you had with your long-term crush, thinking about how things could have gone differently. Or perhaps you are apprehensive about an upcoming project and are rehearsing all the ways it could go wrong. Mental rehearsal is a normal and universal experience. However, if you find that you tend to dwell excessively on certain experiences – especially negative ones – you may be engaging in rumination.
How Do You Find Your Purpose?
The elusive path to getting aligned with what you’re here to do.
Organizational boundary problems: too many cooks or not enough kitchens?
Although open cultures promote inclusivity, they can also have negative aspects. Openness is not without its costs, and without proper organization to facilitate involvement, a culture that identifies as "open" can easily transform and intensify the sense of exclusion it aimed to prevent.
Let It Fail
Max Countryman discusses the implications of letting things go sideways, (vs. stepping in and creating a short-term fix), and the longer term positive impact this strategy can have on the business as a whole. “It represented an important learning opportunity for the broader business, which would generate broader buy in and allow us to dramatically improve process.”
The 25 Percent Rule for Tackling Technical Debt
“Let’s talk about technical debt. Let’s talk about practical usable approaches for actually paying it down on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. Let’s talk about what debt needs to be fixed now versus what can wait for better planning.”