Wabi-Sabi (侘寂) – This is a beautiful Japanese concept that represents finding beauty in imperfections. It allows us to accept that growth and decay are a natural process. In traditional Japanese aesthetics, wabi-sabi is a world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection.
The advice of the week: Selfish people should listen to advice to be more selfless, selfless people should listen to advice to be more selfish. This applies to many things. Whenever you receive advice, consider its opposite as well. You might be filtering out the advice you need most.
The dispassionate developer
“Caring for your craft is fine, but should you work for free?” - a take on things around passion, open source and our growth as engineers. It’s the kind of article I don’t agree or disagree with - it’s simply a valid but different view of some really important topics.
Why should we care about Developer Experience (DX)
A compelling argument for accepting the fact that your developers need as much care as your customers do and some tips on how to start.
The 4 Key Ways We Fail As Engineering Managers
Being a successful engineering manager is not easy. Learn about the 4 key ways of failure you need to watch.
Your Attention Is Not a Resource
Here is a proposition for you to consider: you and I have exactly as much attention as we need. In fact, I’d invite you to do more than consider it. Take it out for a spin in the world. See if proceeding on this assumption doesn’t change how you experience life, maybe not radically, but perhaps for the better.
Focus on Your First 10 Systems, Not Just Your First 10 Hires
“While I definitely agree that people are your most important asset, I’ve noticed that most content doesn’t talk as much about the systems. What I don’t come across as often is a read about how the systems that those first hires build are the manifestation of the culture,” says Fishner.
In his view, it’s not an either or — it’s both. “While early employees are of course a driving factor for the company culture, they’re only half the equation. The other half is the foundational systems,” he says.